
Friday, August 7, 2009

Using Custom Entities in ASP.NET Applications – Part 1

Recently there has been a surge of architecture-related discussion in the .NET community. This stems from the fact that business applications are getting complex and intricate to build. Building N-Tier business applications is both a requirement and a challenging task. This cannot be achieved by just using a specific framework such as the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework does provide a rich library for building enterprise business applications but this is half the story. Sound Object-Oriented principles supported by architectural patterns apply across all development platforms without targeting a specific technolgy. This combination of technology, OO principle and architecture results in applications which are scalable, fault tolerant and user interactive.

In this short series, I will talk about using Business Entities in ASP.NET applications. The reason behind this series to present my two cents on most of the question asked on the forums regarding developing N-Tier applications using Custom Entities. This discussion is not intended to explain OO programming. The focus is to discuss architecture issues when using Custom Entities. I will start with simple concepts and then extend it from there.

What’s wrong with DataSet

Honestly speaking, DataSets are not evil at all and I prefer to use them whenever I can. It’s easy to program around a DataSet and IMHO, works great for small to mid sized applications. If you really fine tune the data layer accessing the database, a DataSet gives optimal performance. In addition to this, many of the data controls available in including ObjectDataSource, GridView, Datalist etc work really well with DataSets. However, a DataSet has its limitations and is not suited for every situation especially when used for Enterprise Applications. The most commonly faced problems include:

• They are not strongly-typed
• They lack validation and business rules.
• They do not support OO principles such as Encapsulation, Inheritance etc
• DataSet have a performance issue when used for large amount of data (see this)
• DataSets are not interoperable with applications written in other languages such as Java, PHP etc
• The use of DataSet dictates the Data-First design whereas OO principles focuses on Domain-First design
• Maintenance becomes difficult when an application starts growing with time (which every application does)

The alternative is to use custom entities discussed in the following section.

Using Custom Entities

Seasoned programmers tend to use classes for developing business applications. Classes allow the developers to take advantage of a rich OO programming model. This model comes with a set of well defined OO principles including Data Abstraction, Information Hiding, Encapsulation, Inheritance etc.

In its essence, a custom entity is just a regular class. But what makes it different is that it is a domain object. In business applications, domain objects identify the key entities within the system. Each domain object can be represented by a Custom Entity.

In addition to supporting OO principles, a custom entity defines business rules and custom validation. This subtle addition is the real difference between a regular class and a custom entity. For example, let’s look at the following Book custom entity:

public class Book
// properties
public int BookId { get; set; }
public string ISBN { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }

// constructors
public Book () {}

public Book (string isbn, string title, string author)
// set values

// simple method
public int BuyBook (string ISBN)
// process

// validation rule
public book Validate (Book book)
if (book.ISBN == null)
return false;
// other rules

// business rule
public int isPremiumMember (int customerId)
// if customer is a premium member
// eligible for gift voucher
// return voucherNumber

The above entity defines the normal properties, constructors and a method (BuyBook). In addition to these constructs, the class also defines a validation method (Validate) and a business rule (isPremiumMember). The Validate method validates the state of the object while isPremiumMember method determines if the customer is eligible for a gift voucher given he is a premium member. This is just a trivial example. True custom entities can have a complex set of business rules.

Different terms including Business Object, Business Entity and Custom Business Entity are used interchangeably to represent a Custom entity. Though the purists may differentiate between them but IMHO, they all are the same. It’s just a preference of term used by different users.

Data Transfer Objects

Data Transfer Object (DTO) is a design pattern used to transfer data between software application subsystems. It is basically a data container. The main difference between a DTO and a Custom Entity is that a DTO does not have any behavior or responsibility and only consists of properties. A DTO is also known as a dumb object due to the lack of any behavior. Using a DTO has several advantages including:

• All data is summed up in one DTO and passed down to a layer
• Since an entire object is passed down the wire, adding or removing properties to the object does not effect the calls
• DTOs are light weight objects which give better as compared to DataSets

Keeping above in mind, the book BO in the above section can have the following corresponding Book DTO:

public class BookDTO
public int BookId { get; set; }
public string ISBN { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }

public Book () {}

public Book (string isbn, string title, string author)
// set values

Using Custom Entities and DTOs

A typical 3-tier (logical) application has three layers namely User Interface Layer (UI), Business Logic Layer (BLL) and the Data Access Layer (DAL). The UI layer provides an interface to the user to interact with the system. The BLL (application layer, middle layer) is where all the business logic resides and the DAL deals with operations of the data source. The UI never interacts with the DAL directly. When a user makes a request from the UI, the request is directed to the BLL. The BLL then forwards the request to the DAL. The typical flow of a user request is as following:

UI <-> BLL <-> DAL

The question is how the data transfers between the layers? This is where the DTOs come into play. When the user request reaches the DAL, the DAL fetches the data from the data source and bundles it into a DTO. The DTO is then returned to the BLL followed by the UI. Similarly when a user creates or updates a record, the entire DTO is transferred back to the BLL and then to the DAL.
The update and delete process can be handled by just using the primary key value.

Is a DTO a Custom Entity

This is an interesting question. I have seen many applications where both the terms are used interchangeably. There is no harm in doing so but I tend to disagree. A DTO is really a design pattern used to transfer data between subsystems. Although it a class but keep in mind that a DTO does not define any behavior, business rules, validation or relationship. In the following posts, I will show you how a DTO is used both as a custom entity and individually.


In this post, I just gave you an overview of what Custom entities are and tried to understand the basics of using Custom Entities when developing business applications. In the following post, we will dive deeper and explore more about custom entities.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks alot for this article.
    Very nicely written and explained.
    I can't wait to read the others.

